Winnebago Indian News
“Official Newspaper of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska” The Winnebago Indian News (WIN), founded in January 1972, is published bi-weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. The Mission of the WIN is to inform and to educate the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska of issues that affect them, and to be a vehicle in which stresses positive and beneficial concerns and points of view.
LETTER POLICY: Signed editorials, letters and articles appearing in the WIN are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or attitude of the Winnebago Indian News or the Winnebago Tribal Council. The WIN encourages the submission of Letters to the Editor; however, letters must be signed and addressed. Letters may be edited for language and length. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The reproduction of editorial or photography content without permission is prohibited.
Change of address:
Please send change of address with old mailing label to:
Winnebago Indian News
P.O. Box 687
Winnebago, NE 68071 -
(402) 878-2272 ext. 4001
rates & deadlines
Yearly Subscription Rates: Nebraska Residents -$25.00 - Out-Of-State Residents -$35.00 -Overseas - $50.00
Legacy Advertisement Rates:
Full Page Color - $525
Full Page B&W - $475
Half-Page Color - $300
Half-page B&W - $250
1/4 Page Either - $175
Personal Ad - $50
Public Interest - $50
Brian Chamberlain
Tyler Snake
Office Circulation Manager
(402) 878-2272 ext. 4002
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