Tribal Transit Program

Cost- $3.00 one way - Tickets- $25.00/ 10 rides or $50.00/ 20 rides

  • Tickets need to be purchased prior to riding demand response routes or arrangements made for riding this route for work/school/etc. routes due to data for fares, passenger counts, and information needing to be matched up for the program’s yearly reporting to US DOT for funding the program.
  • Tickets can also be purchased in person by calling Herschel Snowball 712-333-4702.
  • Tickets can be purchased from the Tribal Transit Office & Finance office in the Blackhawk Center.

Tribal Transit will be adding more routes when needed. Depending on and if we have drivers for the route needed. PLEASE call 48 hours prior for the General Public schedule.

Office Phone: 402-878-4225

Transit Manager
David Mentzer

Robert St. Cyr

Vince Parker

Miguel Pulido

Henry Lovejoy

Lawrence Merrick

Transportation Schedule - General Public / Vo-Tech - Public Schedule Subject to Change - Download Schedule Here (Updated 11-3-23)

Demand Response Route for Tri-State Area

This route runs from 4:00 am-12:30 am the following morning for work, school, and any other entity for delivering and picking up passengers.

The program has one driver that runs from 4am-Noon and another driver that runs from 1:00 pm-9:00 pm and a late night driver for the night pick-ups after late night employment from 10:00 am-12:30 am. Call the office during the day 8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday to schedule pick-up and any other pertinent information for requests for the transportation drivers, any information needed from the program, or changes prior.

Winnebago/BHCC 4:00 a.m. Seaboard, Tyson, Colleges, Wy Tec, Colleges, and any other work place during mornings Mon-Sat to get to work locations Winnebago/BHCC
Winnebago/BHCC 1:00 p.m. Sioux City Area colleges: Morningside/WITCC/Briar Cliff/Nebraska Indian College/Etc. * Please notify with 24 hour notice for demand response transportation with scheduled times dependent on users during hours of 4am-1:30am this depart time covers night shift drops and pick ups after
Winnebago/BHCC Seaboard, Tyson, Colleges, Wy Tec, any other work place during afternoon and pick ups from mornings Winnebago/BHCC

WinnaVegas Bus Schedule - (Leaving Winnebago to Sioux City to WinnaVegas)

Winnebago/BHCC 6:40 a.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive, South Sioux City, NE 7:00 a.m. Cook Park 7:10 a.m. WinnaVegas 7:40 a.m.
Winnebago/BHCC 8:40 a.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 9:00 a.m. Cook Park 9:10 a.m. WinnaVegas 9:40 a.m.
Winnebago/BHCC 1:40 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 2:00 p.m. Cook Park 2:10 p.m. WinnaVegas 2:40 p.m.
Winnebago/BHCC 2:40 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 3:00 p.m. Cook Park 3:10 p.m. WinnaVegas 3:40 p.m.
Winnebago/BHCC 5:00 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 5:20 p.m. Cook Park 5:30 p.m. WinnaVegas 5:40 p.m.
Winnebago/BHCC 10:40 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 11:00 p.m. Cook Park 11:10 p.m. WinnaVegas 11:40 p.m.

WinnaVegas Bus Schedule - (Leaving WinnaVegas to Sioux City to Winnebago)

WinnaVegas 8:10 a.m. Cook Park 8:30 a.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 8:40 a.m. Winnebago/BHCC 9:00 a.m.
WinnaVegas 10:10 a.m. Cook Park 10:30 a.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 10:40 a.m. Winnebago/BHCC 11:00 a.m.
WinnaVegas 3:10 p.m. Cook Park 3:30 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 3:40 p.m. Winnebago/BHCC 4:00 p.m.
WinnaVegas 4:10 p.m. Cook Park 4:30 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 4:40 p.m. Winnebago/BHCC 5:00 p.m.
WinnaVegas 6:10 p.m. Cook Park 6:30 p.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 6:40 p.m. Winnebago/BHCC 7:00 p.m.
WinnaVegas 12:10 a.m. Cook Park 12:30 a.m. South Sioux City, NE/Behind Summit Dental Health, 2600 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City, NE 12:40 a.m. Winnebago/BHCC 1:00 a.m.