Tribal housing program

Tribal Housing/EHR/SHIRP Manager
Tiffany Armell-Buchanan

Office Associate

  • (402) 204-8063 ext.

Alonzo Frenchman

Adonis Walker

We offer 24/7 on-call service in case of emergencies.

The Tribal Housing Department provides repairs and maintenance services for all tenants that rent any and all tribal apartments and stand-alone homes. All repairs and maintenance are done by the Tribal Housing Maintenance/Janitors.

Tribal Housing Program
We provide adequate & safe housing to enrolled members of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. The Winnebago Tribal Housing Program is in compliance with all applicable laws.

  1. Provide housing for Winnebago Tribal Members
    a) We offer homes & apartments for Tribal families within the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska reservation.
    b) The program services tribal members & non-tribal members who have children enrolled with the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska; services include adequate housing for our Winnebago People.

Emergency Home Repair Program
We assist & make repairs to Tribal Members homes' that do not have the resources or income ability to address the need.  All Winnebago Tribal members should have an opportunity for a decent home and suitable living environment; .

  1. Assisting homes owners under the age of 55 and under to repair homes.
    a) To provide assistance to senior that doesn’t have the income ability to do repair work.
    b) Healthy and safety for our young homeowners.
    c) Young adults are served through the program; we provide assistance for Water/pipes, water heaters, weatherization, furnace repairs/replacement, roofing, floor, sanitation, ramps, moving and set up trailer cost (No Dirt work). Assist with purchase of trailer.
  • 912 N. Mission Drive
    Winnebago, NE 68071

  • 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM