Tribal Court

In 1986, the Winnebago Tribe reestablished jurisdiction in the area of its legal system. The Tribal court exists to resolve civil conflicts and to enforce the criminal law in a just and equitable manner. The Tribal Court holds general jurisdiction for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska

  • 228 Industrial Parkway, P.O. Box 626
    Winnebago, NE 68071

  • (402) 878-2540

  • 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM M-F


Robert N. Clinton - Chief Justice
Frank Pommersheim - Associate Judge
Jacqueline Long - Associate Judge

Tribal Court Judge(s)
Jordan Zendejas - Associate Judge
Dami Oluyote - Associate Judge

Deputy Prosecutor
Julie Grenamyre

Truancy/JSP Coordinator
Randy DeCora

Criminal Clerk
Parrish Jacobs

Office Associate/CSE Clerk
Addrianna Alcaraz

Adult Probation Officer
Carmelita Parker

Juvenile Probation Officer
Matthew Cleveland III

Bailiff/Court Server
Kenneth Blackhawk

Court Administrator
Jennifer Berridge

Child Support, IV-D Director
Oyate Contreras

Child Support Financial Specialist
Jayde Baker

Child Support Case Manager
Angela BigBear