Environment Protection Department

  • 903 N. Mission Drive
    Winnebago, NE 68071

  • P.O. Box 687
    Winnebago, NE 68071

  • (402) 878-4059

Tribal Response/Brownfield Coordinator
Gerri Lyons

Solid Waste/Recycling Specialist/Administrant Support Assistant
James Neff

Where Mother Earth Matters

The Mission of the Winnebago Environmental Protection Department (EPD) is to encourage, educate, and assist in protecting human health and the environment. The EPD works collaboratively with federal, state, and local stakeholders to identify environmental concerns with the natural environment to protect human health and the ecosystems of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Reservation.

The Winnebago Environmental Protection Department has been serving the Tribe since 2000. The EPD’s efforts to reduce environmental risk to the natural resources are based on the best available scientific information. Efforts are made to protect public health and the environment, by raising a conscious need to reduce air pollution, reducing recyclable materials entering the waste stream, and prevent hazardous materials from exposing people and the land to contaminants. Through community outreach and educational activities, the EPD provides inspiration to take action for a healthy environment.

Report Illegal/Open Dumping

The Environmental Protection Department of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska is asking for your assistance identifying and locating illegal/open dumpsites across the reservation. An illegal/open dumpsite can be anything from general garbage, construction debris, trees/shrubs, hazardous waste, etc. being inappropriately disposed of.
Please report these sites to Joseph Painter, EPD Manager at 402-878-4060 for follow up investigation.
If you are observing any immediate suspicious activity or any persons illegally dumping notify the police at 402-878-2245 for immediate response. Individuals in violation are subject to criminal prosecution under Winnebago Tribal Code Title VII Article VI.